Re the comments regarding Mario’s at the Cliffs at Cupecoy area, I would recommend everyone try it at least once and decide for yourself. Quite truthfully, we are middle of the roaders when it comes to dining out - not foodies at all and don’t particularly enjoy spending my right arm for a meal but on the other hand, I won’t pass on the occasional high-end experience for the sake of a few dollars above my norm either. I have to say, last night was well worth it.

You can keep the costs down a bit by avoiding the bottled table water and apps and sharing a dessert if it’s even in your wheelhouse to order these items in the first place. We didn’t do any of the above last night. The creamy style onion soup was delicious and we all absolutely enjoyed our entrees. I ordered the duck which was very good. And the desserts? To die for!! I’m pretty boring in that I only ordered a scoop of raspberry sorbet as my dessert but it, too, was heavenly.

One recommendationsvfor those planning on trying it - make reservations!! To me it seems a bit smaller than their prior locations (I could be wrong on that) but a bit more upscale in my opinion and the parking last night was tough.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat