Is it just me or is the US being totally clueless. You can get “guidance” from the cdc for any country you choose to go to. The bvi to their credit has one of the lowest incidents in the world. The same cdc said that vaccinated people can skip masks in the entire country. This is not a political statement at all. It’s a travel requirement that does not match with health concerns.

The cdc tells the government to not allow entry from India or other countries with high incidence of Covid. Why do they need to require pre testing via pcr for citizens that are vaccinated or children ineligible for vaccination that all have been tested multiple times in a two week or so period while vacationing in a country they know to have an exceedingly low incidence of Covid.

Doubly stupid,why do they not accept positive titer as proof of safe traverse back to their country where they were vaccinated and the incidence is low and dropping.

Last edited by Will_L; 05/17/2021 03:11 PM.