Tracker update:
Lots of variations on how the trackers are governed:
1. Arriving via ferry, it appears most are given paper wristbands, documentation and told that they have 24 hours to return the tracker device after release from Q or you incur a $25/day fine.
2. Arriving into EIS, Most folks are provided with paper wristbands, a tracker (some work/some don’t) And no paperwork. Verbal Instructions given are basically “return it to the airport when you depart”.

SO... we arrived into EIS however Being the proactive travelers that we are, we took ours to the Jost police station today. The constable Was very accommodating while advising us that we were suppose to bring him not just the tracker but the paper wrist bands as well.
Note, Although the wristbands are basically just concert quality throw-aways they do use them for tracking purposes so be sure to bring the following with you when you return your tracker device:
Tracker & charger cord
Wristbands, even if you cut them off yourself
Q release email - If you screenshot it, be sure it shows the part confirming that your test was negative. Important!

BTW- day 1 results took 26 hours.