A thought on COVID and Ministers, first with a quote from the Daily Herald article linked in the first post in this thread:

"The Daily Herald asked De Weever whether Royal Caribbean Group was concerned about the island’s rising COVID-19 numbers, and whether it had threatened to pull out of the homeporting agreement if cases continued to increase.

“The threats have always been there, that if St. Maarten was rampant with COVID-19, not only would our homeporting [partner – Ed.] not want to be here, but visitors also wouldn’t want to come,” said De Weever. “St. Maarten has been lucky. … We have not experienced this significant surge that we saw in our neighbouring islands, in our sister islands.”

OK, so if COVID is not "rampant", and if there is no "significant surge", then why are bars and restaurants being forced to close at 11PM?

(11PM makes no difference to me. At 11PM my only concern is if I am already sleep, or if I am still awake.)