Writing as I just finished a vodka club while in the air, I am against the over reaction by AA although I get out of respect to that crew member why SW did what they did but the problem rarely what was served on the plane but what was served prior. Do we stop serving alcohol in airports? Against that as well. Noting they won't get a cocktail in the air will they drink more before they fly or sneak drinks on the jet? I fly a lot, already hit 75k with Alaska Airlines this year and am also AA Gold already, I rarely witness any sort of problem to the point I don't remember the last time. As far as the statement of pouring your own on a jet, that is illegal.

What I think the airlines need to do is to start enforcing the law as well as their rules. CLEARLY state that if you don't listen and follow those rules you are banned from the airline, could be a limited time or forever. I understand there are some less than stellar flight attendants but I run into a lot of sober jack **s passengers that don't listen or follow airline rules but it seems that the flight crew are unwilling to enforce probably in fear of being sued like United was.

Instead of banning liquor, allow those who are vaccinated to not wear a mask!

My two bits from 33k feet.

I prefer the Isle seat