
We ran into a somewhat similar situation .in April with our local hospital lab failing to pass our samples to the main lab for testing. At the point we discovered this we didn’t have enough time left for the original testing.

A few phone calls later Kim found an urgent care facility locally that allowed walk-ins with fifteen minute turn around. We had originally booked our appointments for the rt-PCR test but due to the errors made by the local lab we had the rapid antigen test done at urgent care and walked out with printed results in hand. Uploaded without issue and we were good to go.

The urgent care facility accepted our MediCare card but I haven’t seen anything from the carrier as to whether or not they paid it since it was for travel as opposed to Covid concerns. I’m betting you understand what I was whining about when I was so stressed out before our April trip and I’m so sorry you have to go through this. It really does put a bit of a damper on the planning and anticipation stages of the trip.

Good luck. 🙂🙂



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat