
First if all, happy tenth anniversary and wishing you many returns of the day.

What a great report and so beautifully done. Thank you for your thoughts and experiences. I think you managed to squeeze more into your short trip than we did in two and a half weeks last time there in April past.

Glad you enjoyed the island. As a long-time visitor I can assure you it has much to offer. After almost fifty years of annual trips we still find something new with every visit. And we aren’t tired of visiting yet either.

So now that you’ve gotten a personal taste of what we here all love about St. Martin/Sint Maarten, are you contemplating when you might be able to get back there again? One of the really great aspects of this wonderful place is that you can explore it until you think you’ve seen all there is to see, and then you can start on St. Barts, Anguilla and Saba.

Till the next trip…….



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat