We are long time SXM visitors and have made two trips back since Covid with our third scheduled for the early half of November. We are both seniors and fully vaccinated. If we are allowed to fly our trip will be a definite go.

Both trips we were very careful about staying out of shops and crowds and we did our dining in mostly open air restaurants and this will be our plan for November as well. Taking reasonable precautions is just the right thing to do - for you, for her and for those you might come in contact with - but no kissing or hugging island friends - even though it seemed so strange at the time not to.;

I will always be cautious and wear a mask as required but I will not live my life in fear of Covid, or anything else for that matter. Everyone has to make choices for themselves and honestly, if she really doesn’t choose to go, I’d wait until the time is right for both of you.

But we are going until they say we can’t or we just aren’t able to. 😊😊

Edited to add -

And yes, the hoops are annoying, aggravating and surely a test of your patience on occasion, but once you’ve made it through them, the trip itself is so worth all the efforts made.

Last edited by pat; 08/11/2021 08:09 PM.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat