Thanks for the support on that. I tip gererously when its earned. Too many service people today have a sense of entitlement for anything and everything they get.
Unions at McDonalds so people can have a living wage??
I worked there for 2 years and worked my way to management in that time and never asked for a union to control my pay levels. I earned my raises and didn't need to thank any group negotiator to pressure someone to give it to me and I feel that I was very well compensated for the level of knowledge I needed and the level of work I was performing.
BTW, we never expected tips but occasionally we did recieve some and occasionally got a tip from our owner.
It was an entry level job to learn from and if management was our goal the opportunities were there if you wanted to work for it and had the aptitude.
Anyway, it looks like I will NOT be returning to the DR this year and instead will be going to Phoenix.