QUESTION….Although I am fully vaccinated, Pzifer and boosted, I had a mild case of covid the beginning of January 2022, we travel in late May 2022. Self test, shows negative now.
Do I need to get a recovery letter as well to cover myself? Or does the recovery letter only pertain to those not fully vaccinated and recovered? When checking the official SXM Travel requirements it says:

Travelers who have recovered from a Covid-19 infection within 9 months before departure must upload one of the below acceptable proof of recovery:
*A government / public health authority issued proof of recovery (Digital Covid Recovery Certificate or letter)
*A lab issued positive covid-19 PCR test result also indicating a Ct value of 35 or higher.
*A signed and stamped Covid-19 recovery letter from a physician accompanied by the positive Covid-19 PCR test result.

Maybe I should just get a letter or test to be safe if I cannot get an answer.
All answers appreciated.