There is a man staying here at the Toad who claims to be from The Hague. Yesterday he left all dressed in a suit and tie and I wondered what he is doing (I would never ask outright). Last evening at happy hour here I tried to suripetusly question him.

I mentioned I had heard of a possible strike at airport and everyone sighed Oh No! Except him. He said he doubted it. Longer story too much to tell here but he said in passing that he was once anATC.

We also discussed Madeline Albright passing and he said he was once a leison to her and she was a fine woman. I also found out his wife (at home) is caring for 14 dogs.

If anyone here is close to the Toads owners perhaps they can glean more info.

As I sit writing this the man, all suited up, got into a cab here. Destination unknown to me.

Last edited by RonDon; 03/25/2022 08:06 AM.