
They used to have a veal dinner night that was out of this world. You used the honor bar at your leisure and when they announced dinner was to be served you entered into the dining room and from there on it was lovely, - dinner was literally served family style as many servings as you wanted.

But all of that went away years ago and the Boon today has a whole different vibe. Fun and lively and more day-time activity than it had back then. This was even before they started offering timeshare there and I’m thinking, if I remember correctly, before the Cleveland’s bought it. We last stayed there in - OMG - 1995 or ‘96 after one of the major hurricanes. They were rebuilding the main dining room and meals were served in the open air under an awning. It was one more distant menu but another fond one. The Boon will always be a happy memory for me.



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat