Another beautiful morning breaks here on Simpson Bay, but this is really about yesterday, isn’t it?

We didn’t go far or do much. Can’t see spending a lot of time looking for something better when we have the best of the best right here. Thank you, Drew and Tracy, for allowing us to stay in this lovely and very convenient spot. Airplanes out the front door and the ocean and boats and ships of every size and variety out the back… just doesn’t get much better than this. DH particularly enjoys the big boys - AIR FRANCE and KLM - as they come and go every day. They are INCREDIBLE!!

Things along the way - we actually saw golfers out on the course yesterday. Now that’s what I call true love and dedication to the game given the current state of the course.

I’m sure it’s an optical illusion but the beach in front of us - or is it in back? - seems wider this morning and the waves seem a little friendlier. Lots of swimmers both yesterday and this morning.

Last evening we went next door to El Zafiro for dinner with long-time friends, Shirley and Lesley Bruce. Dinner was good but the company was even better. Thank you so much for making it happen.

And now I’d better get cranking because we have a busy day looming ahead. And I heard rumor that company is coming……..tbc



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat