Thanks for that info I wondered if you started it would it be a problem I will try it very soon I guess as you complete one section it opens another. Thanks to everyone about AAA Car rental I finally just called the number on his page the one that flashes Alain picked up on the third ring and yes he had received my request and we had a 10 minute conversation about how we are and his well being ,I think we were one of his first renters it was behind a building at the end of the runway the car had many dents good tires missing a some lug nuts one on each side of the car we went out to Orient beach and I had to stop a few times to tighten them brought the car back he he said sorry oversight placed two nuts and off we went been with him ever since. I’m a little Leary about filling that form out here’s hoping we make our May 10 trip .we first started in 1985