Regarding the medivac services, during 2020 we had briefly considered using MedJet and Allianz, just to have that preferred MedJet medivac insurance coverage. But during a pandemic there are restrictions on moving between different regions so you were limited to just emergency evac from a remote area without the necessary medical facilities to the nearest location with the necessary facilities.
So the moral of the story - read the policy carefully, and if unsure contact the insurer directly. Too many people ask strangers on public forums what a policy covers.

One other note on Allianz, they do cover COVID-19 sickness (before and during the trip), as well as expenses associated with a positive test. But again, go to their site, that is clearly explained in the header and could have changed since we returned from our trip last week…

"Travel changes you. As you move through this life and this world you change things slightly, you leave marks behind, however small. And in return, life — and travel — leaves marks on you.”
-Anthony Bourdain