It is always interesting that vacationers patronizing Beachside Villa's never have a issue with the extensive security camera's at this property ? If a vacationer was to acknowledge the video surveillance they maybe concerned why they are watched by the property owners back in Michigan. It is also alarming why their property manager and his wife happens to show up through out the day real time video happenings of staff and vacationers for DREW back stateside !

After staying at this property for many years we now look forward to better less intrusive vacations than Drew and Trickses Mascarin's intrusive oversee of our every movement while at this property. Any view of the airplanes can be observers without the the Michigan surveillance.

If violation of your vacation is your choice please reserve your vacation at BSV !

Yolanda and Telly were the true spirit of this property and not that of their dysfunctional son DREW ! Seriously Carol Hill report the truth of your stay as did not once mention any of the resort workers by name only by title ? MAID, BEACH SECURITY, or BEACH CLEANER ! Seriously Pat's husband hanging over a fence watching a plane land while rather being at the Towers is a inspiration to stay at BSV is a selling point for this property please be advised if the Towers did not become rubble from tropical storm BSV would not be on there radar.

Boycott this property as the vacation experience is over seen by extensive security cameras and value your time with personal family memories without the Mascrin's video observation of your valued personal time away.

Carol please be honest that you and Eric felt watched while you vacationed at BEACHSIDE VILLA'S ! I am sure with your status on this blog Drew and Trixie followed your every posting on TTOL !

One would bet this will be deleted ASAP.