Morning brings excited sailors...We have a briefing every morning at 9 AM re the day ahead. Freddy and Amanda , our lead crew are phenomenal . At only 21 and 23 they appear to have a lifetime of experience skill and professionalism. They advise us that the weather looks good for sailing for the next no mention of the dreaded meltemi winds.

[Linked Image] we go then...oh my goodness the color of this water is amazing....
very calm and not much sailing in the early morning, then the wind picks up 10-15, dies around noon then up again around 2 for wonderful sailing in consistent 15-20'.

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This was the typical pattern every day this particular week. The guys worked well together like a well oiled machine. We girls acted like passengers and not crew. What a treat since I am admiral and first mate on Reef Song in the BVI when we sail our 52 mono.. Ward really enjoyed his first mate role vs captain also .

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First flotilla stop was Ermioni. all secured stern to " parking"'with anchor out and stern lines secure at the dock. Up then goes the plank...god don't drink too much I say to myself...falling off would be a tad bit embarrassing with all 16 boats watching... The first attempt went off without too many issues with Freddy's expert guidance and hand signals from ashore. ... we got really good at this by the end of the week .

Nice stroll around the peninsula, a cool refreshing swim in crystal clear, salty salty water with a bunch of Russians. ..the language of laughter is universal...

This place is beautiful

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The wind calms right off in the evening but temperature is also cooler so perfect conditions.

Back dockside to freshen up for our first group meal. 16 boats full of new people to meet. I did my social thing and met them all....great food, wonderful red wine , ouzo in the cockpit for night caps then beddy....Leonidhion in the morning
