Do NOT attempt to plug in a high wattage appliance such as a blow dryer or hair straightener into a French side electric outlet even with a plug adapter. US and Dutch side electricity is 110 volt. French side is 220 volt single phase which is different than the 220 volt power we have in the US for things like stoves and clothes dryers. If you plug your 110 volt hair straightener into a 220 volt outlet you risk destroying the appliance or even worse cause an electrical fire.

Best to go on Amazon or to a local beauty supply store like Sally’s and purchase a hair straightener that is made for 220 volts or is dual voltage. Then you will only need a plug adapter to change from a US plug to a European plug.

Or you can do like my wife does and forgo the hair stuff while on the island. Her motto is “Beach hair, who cares!”

Typically phone chargers and computer power bricks are designed as dual voltage. You just need a plug adapter. As mentioned above, check the small print on the charger.