We did have a very nice dive outing with Sunchaser. Really appreciating their enthusiasm and professionalism. Even though it isn't exactly in their interest, they were encouraging on our unguided diving efforts and gave much helpful advice.

They were able to give us some input on diving the Kodiak Queen, which we did today and it was fantastic. Great visibility, no worries about navigation and lots of sea life. The huge angelfish were particulary impressive, and extremely approachable. My wife opined that this was the best dive of the trip! We're probably going to end the diving on that high note as tomorrow is our last full day.

We are seeing some haze from the dust today, but the weather has been amazing the whole time we were here.

P.S. MiDiver - I passed on your greetings and of course they remember you well!

Last edited by MrEZgoin; 05/08/2023 03:20 PM.

M4000 "Lio Kai"