I may take a lot of heat for saying this. But oh well - that’s life! Personally speaking, I am getting so tired of the island tipping issues.

People, this is not my problem. Tipping is - or at least, should be - a very personal choice or decision. I support the island every day I’m there and in every way just by being there. I tip our maids and resort service people generously and no one tells me how much or what percentage to give. Tipping should be a private matter and should NOT be dictated. For those who want to leave thirty or forty percent, good on you but I don’t feel the need and I’m still always treated well by places I return to.

We always tip generously when merited and not so much for poor service. Food quality is an entire separate issue and if there’s a problem, it should NOT reflect upon the servers gratuity. If the restaurant adds a percentage and says it’s not a tip, I say that’s bull but if everything went well I would add to bring the charge up to twenty percent at least.

To each his own but that’s my personal opinion. 🙃🙃



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat