We are owners at Divi Little Bay on the Dutch side since 1995. The issue of the Service Charge listed on the receipts at all of their resort food services came up on their Facebook Page about a year ago, and there were a variety of opinions among current and former guests, as to what was a SC and what was a tip. Eventually Ann-Marie Brooks, the Divi Resort Manager, joined the conversation and this is what she said, and I quote "The 15% service charge collected on all checks in all outlets go in "one pot" and are divided according to a point system transparent/known to the employee and paid out through their payroll every 2 weeks. Management does not share in this, management does not hold any monies back. Yes, employee pays tax on the registered income. Any cash tip goes directly to your server." Perhaps this is how it is done in other restaurants and resorts. This may explain why some servers don't think they are getting "tipped", because they don't see it right away.