Yes, lets not forget this is a BVI forum and the "captains" we're talking about are not preparing for a license. This all got started by the OP saying he's the sailor and his girlfriend is not experienced.

So I think in a case like this 1) he should make sure he doesn't put himself in a situation to fall off, but 2) plan for the worst case and make sure the girlfriend know's how to start the engine, turn the boat and in that very worst case scenario knows to just bring the boat down wind of the MOB and come back up wind to pick them up - just forget about the sails at that point..

My wife might not do the MOB procedure in a way to pass, but she would get back to me so I could get on the boat. I think she'd also figure out a way to get me on board if I was unconscious too - might not be pretty, but effective smile

Hopefully we haven't scared the OP off.. <img src="" alt="" /> This really isn't anything to worry about - just something one should always be prepared for when on a boat. In all my years sailing (30+), only time I've ever gone overboard has been on a hobie cat when we've flipped..
