We have day chartered with Elaine out of Leverick many times and always been very successful. For our upcoming trip in early January, we have booked again. My college senior and his girlfriend are joining us so looking for fun fun fun. From Leverick we have typically gone to JVD first. Last time we went it was kind of a Sh*t show. Lost its charm IMO. And reading the recent posts about it - forget it. I think I’m done.
So- my question is. I realize it’s not the same beach thing , but what are the reviews of Marina Cay? I loved the old one and am so pleased they rebuilt. Should we stop there ? The Willie T and cooper are a must for our first timers but wondering if Marina Cay is worth a stop. (We are ferrying to Anegada for a day and Saba and BEYC from Gun creek so we don’t need to include those).
My son’s girlfriend has never left the US so I know she is going to be blown away by the beautiful BVI. Can’t wait to share Sugarcane and Coco Maya with her.

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