Enjoy the ride and good luck.

Summary: try credit card insurance refund.

At Christmas our wj was delayed arriving in sxm. WJ texted a non descript reason.. def not weather.

Then, as we boarded late we waited on the tarmac longer to depart after all the jumbo jets... and this is what made me miss my connecting flight in yyz.

Promptly, WJ refused my hotel compensation... weather they said.

And now, 6 weeks later, I await my refund thru credit card insurance. Ironically, WJ Elite (max $250)

My advise: though to late now, get a wj letter in sxm about the delay or a pic of pixel board. This worked for me in the past. This time? who knows?

(Once I was delayed overnight in antigua... it's not as fun as we dream about. I hope you made the best of the 'hurry up n wait' delay)