We have 3 weeks of a 2 bedroom lockout villa and a week ocean front studio and can attest to the fact they did a great job on the rebuilt. Irma, as much as I hate what it did to the island and the economy, really did us a favor forcing a complete rebuilt from the bottom up. They are Johnny on the spot with responding to any maintenance issues as you indicated. As far as Pineapple Pete we took them off our list many years ago. No better than a Denny's back home. Destination Exchange has worked for us pretty well. My daughter is leaving tonight to go or 2 weeks, I tacked on an extra week in May/June and 2 extra weeks in July this year. All 2 bed lockouts. It's a nice perk for us owners. I'm sure it was good to be back but difficult with out Don. I'm sure he was watching over you and with you during your stay. RIP Don.