Interesting - I have done sailing terms, things about the boat, thoughts on meals and drink, but never rules until they are actually there.

These might be good:

1. - See something, Say something. And unlike 9/11, the answer for "To who?" is everyone on the boat - especially ME

2. - The only stupid question is the one you don't ask. Keep in mind that entertainment is where you can find it

3. - If I say something 3 times (stop stop stop, run run run, duck duck duck for example) JUST DO IT. Do not stop to ask questions, just do it. If you want my complete undivided attention, say something 3 times - and do NOT say my name repeatedly (I already know it).

Another good and slightly humorous thing to send out is the video clip for the 10 Commandments for Sailing. Said with humor, but very true.

Keep Smiling!!!

s/y Time Will Tell (2019 Lagoon 42)