Thank you for the responses...yes she is totally recovered at this point. We left St Barts mid January and it was several weeks of fatigue and generally just not feeling like herself. When the Dr examined her in St Barts, he told us that there was really nothing that could be done other than let it pass. We could give her limited Ibuprofen, but Dengue is known to cause some liver damage so he didn't want her to take much. Others I spoke to on St. Barts agreed that they heard SXM was worse and was having an outbreak, although I have heard of some cases on St. Barts as well.

He said that she would have no appetite for most of the week, and that she would sleep for the most part, but when awake would be in pain and very uncomfortable. He advised that she stay in bed with the shades drawn, and no electronics or TV at all because any light or stimulation would make her pain worse. He was correct on everything. It started on a Sunday and we flew out Thursday but she was still pretty miserable. She slept probably 20 hours per day, but the 4 hours awake were painful with head and body aches.

From my research, the only vaccine available is for children and what's worse, is if an adult gets Dengue then subsequent infections will bring worse symptoms. I'm not a medical professional but the internet information has been pretty consistent. That's why I'm not sure if I'll ever get her back to SXM.

I'm a bit frustrated with the TA forum as I know there were a number of Dengue cases but nothing at all was reported. Also...hard to understand why the island isn't doing some kind of treatment for mosquitos? We have a place in Key West and they had problems years ago with Zika so they are regularly spraying and have completely eradicated the Zika virus. They actually have a Mosquito Control agency...