ohhhh... you are bringing back memories....
Good ones - let me share:

3, maybe 4, maybe 5 yrs back - I flew into Beef, late night - C&I forms were out of stock on the aircraft
They handed them to us as we walked into the terminal
Well... I didn't have my glasses
and, without them... especially after dark....good luck to us all when dealing with me
((keep that in mind when passing me on the road going home after Myetts happy hour))

"You gotta fill out the form" the woman official said
I know... but I cannot see...at all
"What's this line ?
"What's this line..and that...and....

She walked me thru...line by line...by line
...and "understood"

So... if and when you hear sarcasm from me... which can be often
It is the simple moments like the above... that keep bringing me back to this place

Now... back to the business at hand.....