We've been to St. Martin maybe 20 times now and have never been to Great Bay Beach. We always manage to spend a half day in Philipsburg, walking Front St., back street and the boardwalk. We park in the gated parking lot by The Greenhouse Restaurant. Always have found a spot. Costs maybe $3 for the half day, but if we eat at the Greenhouse they stamp our parking ticket and we get free parking. I enjoy photographing the city and architecture. We have met many great residents of SXM during our trips to Philipsburg. Most love to talk if they aren't busy and will share their history with you if you get them talking. Makes for many a great story for my blog. As for Sunset B&G, it used to be fun. I still love taking the photos of the planes, but we usually try to find a table we can share with someone and spend an hour or so talking with them. Most people will invite you to sit down with them if you ask politely. Have met people from all over the world at that place. Can't wait to return soon. You are keeping me informed and entertained for my daily dose of SXM even though I'm not there yet. Keep up the good work. Gotta go shovel the snow now.