We are finally headed back to our favorite place in the sun. This will be a very different trip from all the others my husband and I have taken, we are bringing our 3 year old souvenir from our last trip with us for his first SXM trip.

Normally we bask in the sun like lizards, doing very little and eating long multi course dinners most nights.

As the little guy does not have the attention span for that, we are looking for some very casual recommendations for dinner spots. We are familiar with the lolos, but I have a feeling there are many new places since our last trip 4 years ago.

As usual, we will be staying in Grand Case. Only 11 nights this time.

Also if anyone has used any on island nannies or babysitting services, your input would also be appreciated.

We will be headed down May 8th-19th. Any insight to travelling with a little one will be much appreciated.

Thanks! Liz