So excited I can't stand it....should be arriving at my beloved Leverick Saturday by noon ( if the flight and ferry Gods are cooperative )

We have a pretty loose plan except for a few things...

Renting jeep for land crawling on Virgin Gorda Sat and Sunday then off to Anegada Monday May 10 th . Have Deans truck rented to explore the island and visit the usual spots plus two ( Wonky dog and Anegada beach Club)

Tuesday May 11 ? Head down to possibly JVD for a few days...! Maybe CGB if weather is good .

Will likely stop for a Monkey point snorkel and may stay at White bay Guana or Lee Bay if we get into relax mode!

After JVD/ CGB we must bring our newbies to Norman .....then not really sure what else. need to drop guests at Trellis on Sunday May 17 then head up to Leverick for a few days of shananigans including the dinghy pub crawl on the 18th.

A few more days of relaxation and see where the wind blows us then it's back to Leverick on Friday for Poker run fun can not wait.

...another week of relaxation then home on May 31st....

Who will be around during this time??? Love meeting TTOLers <img src="" alt="" />

If ya see us or Reef Song around please say HI <img src="" alt="" />
