25. Beat yourself all over your body with a baseball bat to get the proper bruised sailing look.<br><br>26. Tape record loud and random noises to play at night so that you can wake up shouting "We're drifting!" and run onto your front porch to "check your mooring ball."<br><br>27. Turn off your air conditioner and close all your windows to simulate the random nightly showers.<br><br>28. Put your mattress UNDER your bedframe and crawl in there with your spouse.<br><br>29. Try parking your car without using your brakes. For added fun - give the gas pedal a good stomp befroe doing so.<br><br>30. Try getting to an unkown destination with a roadmap but without looking at any roadsigns along the way. <br><br><br><br>[Linked Image][Linked Image]<br><br>