I really wish the best to everyone but It's beyond me how these places even are allowed to open without some reasonable controls and parking for their guests without infringing on the neighborhood.
Karakter was the worst thing to happen to Simpson Bay as it brought crowds of people down tiny roads with no parking, lots of noise and trash and owners that only cared about making a buck and could care less about the chaos they were causing in the neighborhood. We have stayed at the condos close by and the hotel next-door and there were times when we had to park at the end of the street and walk a block or more because their customers blocked driveways and took up private parking. If their is every an emergency you could never gotten an ambulance down that road for all the cars. Sooner or later gov will see the problem here. If I lived in that area of this new bar I would go have a long talk with the owners to make sure they have adequate plans to provide parking and facilities to take care of their guests before it becomes a nightmare like it has at the other end of the beach with Karakter. I do wish them well, maybe it will take some of that crowd and spread out the cars and people.