All of the food establishments we took Lilly to always had a kids option at dinner. The issue we found was by dinner time she was too wiped out to eat and we just created a pallet for her to sleep somewhere. Unless there were other kids around, then she was too busy to eat.

Shallow beaches work best, we found the short drop off at the Anegada beaches were a bit much in the younger days. Pirates beach seems to be a great beach for kids, always kids around and things to do. The Baths in the late afternoon is great as there are few people, during the day it is too busy for kids.

Saba is Lilly's favorite in North Sound, fun to walk around and there is a new cat (lilly knows every cat in the Eastern Caribbean). Prickly Pear also has a good kids beach. The beach at Sidney's on Little Harbor is also a fun beach for kids.

It is a very different trip with kids, been dragging Lilly around the Caribbean since she was 7 weeks, now she is 10 and dive certified. Unrelated to BVI, she leaves the 18th to do 2 months of 5th grade outside of Madrid.

I also had a inflatable pool in out cockpit as well as a monster cooler she could bathe in. We would also rig a boson chair on the Clew of the headsail as a swing. Playing in the stackpak is also fun.

Lilly also survived well without a lifejacket....I know what horrible parents we are.
