You know, Carol, we used to really enjoy the Hideaway, and I know I've written this before, but the past couple of times we've been there, we were a bit disappointed each time.

We stopped by and made a reservation to take the 'Grands' there one evening, thinking how nice it would be to spend an evening with just the two of them the last time we were all on the island together - and this has to be 4-5 years back now, I'm thinking - and at the same time, giving their parents the opportunity to spend an evening alone together without needing to make plan for the kids first, and from our reservation right through our desserts, things were all just a little messed up. It was okay, but again, just not up to our expectations from our earlier trips. We tend to be relatively forgiving where dining is concerned, so unless something is really baaaad, which the Hideaway wasn't, I'm sure we'll go back but it just isn't on my go-to A-list any longer.

But here again, we all have different tastes and expectations, and if we all wanted to eat at the same places, some of us would end up very, very hungry, I'm afraid!! I'm sure there are a ton of places we love that others would be left scratching their heads and asking themselves, "Why?" with all those other choices across the island...... <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat