I am now up to 3 variations of chemical formulas for no-see-ums to take with me. we'll see which works best.

It appears from most readings, that the Avon and other such lesser damaging products work for those lucky ones that are not natural magnets for bugs.

I have used military grade sprays that kept everything away, but one typically sprayed their clothing the night before - outside and then put clothes on the next day. That was nasty stuff but it worked.

And yes, DEET and others melt paint off pens and pencils and plastic.

But malaria, lyme disease, sleeping sickness, and some of those other pesky infections are worse than the bug sprays.

As I am a magnet for these things, as well as mosquittos; I'll be spraying myself. But those around me need not fear overspray, as I remove myself from bar, restaurant,and then spray so I'm down wind of people.

Oh, and stocking in antihistamines.