All this uproar about the music fest and now the dinghy dock is for what? Only time I go to CGB is to surf and even then not even for the night... Someone tried to steal our dinghy TWICE from the dock (even when it was locked up!).

Fixing the dinghy dock will only encourage people to tie up to it, which will only lead to more dock damage and more injured dinghies. I can't believe how many people still try to tie up to that dock during the BIG swell events we've had this year and then are surprised to return to find their dinghy upside down on top of the dock or on top of someone else's dinghy!

I saw both things occur this winter, it amazed me, you'd think the waves exploding through the dock floor throwing spray and wood 6' into the air would be enough of a dis-incentive to tie up (or even be near the dock) but I guess if waves breaking across the channel mouth of the bay doesn't deter you, nothing will trigger that instinct of self-preservation!!! Why do people even bother going there when the forecast is calling for 10-12 foot swells out of the NW???

Surfer, Sailor, Pirate
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