
I always like to point this the road's I travel on daily in Texas are much flatter than those on VG.

While the roads are very well paved, and there is relatively little traffic on the island, you will be climbing and descending a lot in your rental.

For most that's probably not a big deal, but moving our crew around in an unfamiliar vehicle on unfamiliar roads, in darkness (the first time), made the excursion feel less like a vacation and more like a job...I'll note too that I stayed completely sober for the jaunt.

The following day was much better, daylight, and having made the pass twice already, made things at least seem a little less stressful.

In addition to the above mentioned things, there are observation points along the trip that should not be missed - bring a tripod and self timer camera and you can get everyone included in the shot...Hog Heaven is a must do stop IMO.