And in speaking of reservations, usually our first Sunday morning we would take a drive around the island and fill in our reservation requests on their weekly rosters as few places had phones back in the day. How did we ever stumble on to some of these places.....Grand case was easy because even back then, it was known as the dining center of the Caribbean and the roads, such as they were, connected easily to all the major areas, but Marks original location was out there in the hinterlands yet we found it and loved it, even before it moved to the parking lot. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" /> [/quote]

We used to do that also. I memorized: Je voudrais rent en table pour la semaine prochane (lundi, Mardi, Mecrede...) a huit heure which means I'd like a reservation for next week on Monday Tues or Wednesday, at 8 o'clock. First time they laughed at me at L"Auberge Gormand then said "IN English please." Come to find out all was okay except I had asked for a rsvp for 8 in the morning!

And at the market I'd ask for: Une tranche de pate, sil vous plat, to get a slab of pate. Now they all speak English!