What a surprise! There is more to life than what is tolerated at the suburban mall parking lot or local Home Depot. The best life in the BVI starts with a deliberate Good Morning, Afternoon, Evening... How are you? With time and thought for all the responses. For the better places calling ahead and waiting for the staff to direct you is always best. No one truly enjoys 10 for dinner(drunk) much. So many confuse tolerated for welcome. Whether in the BVI or anywhere call ahead and tell the harbormaster what time you are expecting to be there. That really helps them plan their day. Usually you will get guidance then on when to call for docking assistance. Never enter the harbor until you are invited to enter the harbor by the master. Can you get away with skipping some of the stuff some of the time. Yes, that does not mean you help yourself or crew in the process of cutting that corner. Next time you hit the dock. Note how the appearance of the harbor staff.

Last edited by StormJib; 01/13/2016 06:14 PM.