Rosemary etal,

There's almost always at least 'one or two in every crowd' who will find some way to be negative but please, don't let that 'one or two' ruin it for the rest of us.

Trip reports, no matter how long or short, fact based or opinionated, or just plain chatty recaps - are very much appreciated by the majority here. Those who don't enjoy are free to pass on them but those of us who are trying to make it through the long droughts between our own trips do really enjoy them, or at least, I do. I read them all, some of which are headlined in such a way that I have no great interest in the subjects, but I'm often amazed about how much island info I gather from them after the fact.

I would personally urge all who are so inclined to post in the first place, ignore the 'one or two in the crowd' and play to the broader audience here. I know I appreciate the efforts and clearly others do, too. <img src="" alt="" /> <img src="" alt="" />



"Always keep your words soft and sweet, just in case you have to eat