PreK176 said:
Actually saw an "experiment" by reporters for the Today Show. 2 people went to an AI in Mexico? and ordered the same food/drinks/activities all day long. The person ordering on their own saved $375 over the AI price, so times 2 is a lot of money. But I do agree with previous posters that St Maarten has a LOT of great places to dine. Found it to be true in Aruba as well but do have some friends who do AI there. We are always out and about too much to want to limit ourselves to one AI place. Beachside Villas is very nice, all on one level, not like the townhouses around here. Popular place and only 13 units so sometimes hard to get a reservation. Feels like home for us! We make a lot of our own meals and eat on the beach. Good luck with your decision!!

Michael and I did some math and found out that going to an A/I resort was not a financial gain at all for us. We figured out that we had to drink HEAVILY in order for it to be worth it. We drink a bunch of wine but not enough to make the A/I worth it.