Sigh! I was pointing out that it now seems a French national is being implicated in this unfortunate event, following some unidentified "Canadians" initially being drubbed as the "culprits".

As I am both Canadian and of French ancestry (father from Paris) some of us (me for one) were kind of being dealt a double uppercut.

No, there is nothing wrong with French Canadians, other than many Québécoi love to eat Poutine. Ewwwww! That stuff is just wrong. If you are going to add cheese and sauces to potatoes, I much prefer gratin Dauphinoise ... heavy on the garlic.

<img src="" alt="" />

Please don't start defending poutine now. As far as I'm concerned, there is absolutely [color:"red"]no[/color] culinary excuse for it! I mean cheese curds ... really?

<sup>Darn it, can't find a good old fashioned "raspberry" in the smilies.</sup>