Hi all! Spent the day on the Bluebeard; left the Lady C dock early this morning and traveled on the catamaran to Prickly Pear. The staff on the boat was great as well as the drinks, which were served very strong! After anchoring off island, we snorkeled for quite a while and found some small and larger fish; others found a sea turtle but we never located it.

We met some great gals from the Chicago area and had a lot of laughs with them; also met some others from Iowa and from Maine. Really a great group overall! Had a fantastic lunch on the island; I had chicken, Mike had a combo of ribs and chicken. We were all happy with the food!

We got really pretty toasted on the way home and then spent a little more time drinking at the Lady C after returning! Have to admit, Mike and I ended up eating McDonald's tonight because it sounded good to both of us after drinking all day (very funny because I laughed at this the other day, said why on earth would anyone eat McDonald's when they have so many other options??)

We are going to sleep in tomorrow, I'm going to go for a very long run to run off all the food I've been eating (lol), then we are spending a day out of the sun shopping!!