Came home early sunday morning from 8 days at the Simpson Bay Resorts. Travel to the island was excellent. no problems at all. America airlines thru charlotte was swift. Arrival was perfect. Weather was beautiful. Picked up rental car and went to check in. That went flawlessly. Proceeded to room to quickly unpack and head to the Buccaneer bar for a few drinks. Weather last Saturday was cloudy with rain. Sunday started out with sun but around noon the RAIN came. It was a deluge. Monday was cloudy so we went to Phillipsburg to shop. We knew it was Easter Monday so we expected some places would be closed. My wife still found a store to buy jewelry. Found out other reasons for the store closures, no cruise ships in port and one owner told us that they would have to pay hourly worker 2 1/2 times their hourly rate. Tuesday thru friday weather was perfect. went to Mullet Bay most of the time. On Tuesday,Mullet Bay was "ANGRY"! huge waves! The rest of the week it was soooo nice and calm. travel home was great! We were lucky to get thru Customs in Charolette in a matter of minutes. We traveled with only carry ons so going thru security was also a breeze. Can't wait for next year.