Day 6

Woken by another beautiful sunrise. It rained heavily during the night and the wind is fresher this morning. Hopefully that means that I don't have to provide breakfast for the mosquitos again. I invoke the Goddess and she dispatches me to the boulangerie for her morning offering. I get back just in time for a heavy downpour rolling in from the sea.

Strange weirdness is descending upon me down here. I picked up the keys to head out for our croissants and knew there was something wrong. Then it dawned on me that I had to put some clothes on before leaving the house. What have I become?

There's a lot of talk hereabouts of sand gravity. We seem to be gripped by something with a far stronger pull -- Villa Inertia. Our day today has not taken us away or the cool of the Goddess's chambers. Must. Try. Harder. Tomorrow...

Suddenly, mid-afternoon, disaster strikes! The rum is finished and we still have 3 full days left here. What am I to do? I sense another store trip but not today. Beer and wine will have to suffice. It will be tough but we'll get throughout it somehow.

We found another little-known place, Le Refuge du Sol. We had Poussin Roti a l'ail with small potatoes and mange-tous. This was served with a fine Saint-Emillion from Bacchus that we brought with us for the occasion - Canadian Thanksgiving.

Another movie rounded off yet another hectic and excitement-filled day. This one was Bad Teacher, which was a lot of fun. I may leave it for my hosts to assess the merits of the US  educational system. Which is why I'm going to hell today.

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