Day 11

We spent the day with friends on Orient today and had a great, relaxing day. We ate lunch at Coco, I had a caesar salad and Mike had pizza, I don't remember what our friends ate but we all enjoyed our meals. We were served free banana vanilla and caramel rum shots after lunch, both were very tasy! We went to the Perch for happy hour, and finished the day by talking to Phillipe when the Tiko Tiko returned to schedule an around the island cruise for our last full day.

Thursday evening we went to the Pirate bar with some of our new friends staying at the Doves Nest. We would have eaten there too but they had no open tables. We ended up at the Brasserie where we have now eaten three times because we haven't planned ahead and made reservations <img src="" alt="" /> Had a great time visiting and drank too much rum
<img src="" alt="" /> the food was great, I had a ham and cheese crepe and Mike had their pizza, which he loves!

Day 12

We were originally planning to go to Saba today but due to 1) too much rum the day before 2) not setting the alarm correctly and 3) not realizing we needed to make a reservation on the Edge ahead of time, we skipped it. We now have a reservation to go on Wednesday <img src="" alt="" /> we decided to stay out of the sun today and went shopping in Marigot and Maho. While in Marigot we made reservations for Saturday night at Claudes Mini Club. We liked the atmosphere of the place and are looking forward to eating there! When we got back to our room we went out to watch the sunset and ran into a couple that we met on the Tiko
<img src="" alt="" /> Mike walked over and grabbed a pizza at California and we ate in the room. Tomorrow is moving day so I spent the evening packing. Back to Orient for Saturday, life is good!