[Linked Image]..as a raging snow storm continues outside we go back to the islands...<br> <br>March 15 Sat....We wake up to what has become a usual morning event..rain. A quick passing shower does not slow us down as we head for Sebastians for breakfast. Open at 8, the place already has a healthy crowd but we find a table in the corner, overlooking the water..don't they all. Lois decides an omlette will do nicely and orders the spinach,feta and tomato special while I settle on the rum French toast. Both are excellent. The service is as expected, attentive but casual...who cares, we are on vacation. We chat with 3 Brits who we saw the night before at Bomba's. Seems they have just come in from a night on the beach and they look like they just got washed in with the tide. Lois and I head to Long Bay down the road where the beach is deserted except for a lone jogger...no wonder since the rain has returned but we really don't care and enjoy the walk in the warm rain along a lonely beach while white water waves crash at our feet. Needing to keep exploring, we leave Long Bay but not before stopping to admire the finley groomed golf course...no waiting on the first tee..wonder why? Lois wants to people watch so we head back to CGB...and watch we will since it is Sat and a cruise ship is in Roadtown. As we come over the hill, we can see taxis are pulling up right and left depositing their fares...what a sight. This calls for a Red Strip after we park again next to Rhymers and take up our viewing positions outside of the Big Banana Paradise Club. What a site..the beach is strewn with a multitude of white bodies..like whales stranded at high tide they litter the shore. The ship is mainly filled with Europeans changing on the beach. Germans and Italians strip and pull on an assortment of speedos' that, well should not have been worn. We walk the beach again, laughing and happy to be here, The sun is out so part of the beach becomes topless for the cruise crowd. From what we saw, it was not a pretty sight but very entertaining. We walk past the Lois's massage buddy who is occupied with numerous passengers..maybe next year Lois. After a lunch of red snapper at the Banana, we head over to Brewers Bay to watch some surfers. The road is again slick from the rain and the 4WD comes in handy. We meet a couple who have returned for their second visit after 35 years..the only place at CGB was Stanleys and there were not paved roads...what a memory. Back to the Sugar Mill we plan our evening assault..a bold but decisive plan. We plan to do the movable feast..moving quickly from one place to another...sampling the native fare.<br> First stop in the Coco Plum across from Bomba's. The place has received lots of local attention and we wait for a few of the white plastic chairs to be arranged. Stuffed mushrooms and some wine start the evening. The chef is reported to be the former chef of one Shaquille O'Neal. What a way to start the meal with mushrooms oozing of island spices and assorted seafood....the menu looks to be equally grand with dishes in the fusion style...we will be back next year for the main course as all the reports are true..this is one not to miss Manpot!!. Back on the road we head to the North Shore Shell Museum. Exploring the bottom level we are met by Egbert Donovan who gives us tour and points out his garden high on the hillside. We talk for about an hour and he is very concerned about the youth of the island. He tells us he was a father at 14 and how they used to travel the dirt roads to CGB with torches to illuminate the way. "Kids today want no more of the old way..everthing must be right now..not good" His concern is genuine and we talk more over guavaberry/mango daiquari's that he has prepared. We admire the setting sun as more people enter to continue the conversation. Down the well worn steps and over to Palms Delight for the main course. The place has filled up and we wait for a table to clear..finally securing a prime spot in the corner only feet from the lapping waves. As the final rays from the sun leave us, we enjoy a meal of shrimp and you guessed it...GINGER CHICKEN!! I can see why this place is packed. Great local fare with a true island atmosphere..it doesn't get any better. We talk to a couple who now make their home on Tortola, working in the import business. They always eat here as do other countless belongers and locals. We stay as long as we can but finally give up the table to a waiting crowd and head back for a relaxing evening. Tomorrow we head to St. Thomas and our Windjammer trip......and as the storm continues outside..more tomorrow..