Damn! This sand gravity is hard to break but break free I must. The Goddess is making noises -- mostly her stomach rumbling, methinks. So off to US Market I go...

Woke up several times during the night thinking it must be later than it was. Finally up and showered around 7:30 and waiting for L'Orientique to open while Her Deity was still buried under the covers making strangely esoteric grunting sounds.

Finally made it to L'Orientique for coffee, croissants , pain au raisin and pain au chocolat and relieved that the quality is good and that I don't have to make any morning forays out for our breakfast. Hmm... I seems to be mixing my tenses here. Oh, well, gonzo...

On to beach, after breakfast and found our loungers from last night. Still windy. Did I mention that it was windy yesterday? If I didn't, it was and it still is. Sleep, swim, sleep... Huh!( SXMNorm, this set of reports is going to wear you out again.) It's suddenly 11:30 and I realize we had better get some provisions in so off I  go. I pick up a load of wine, cheese and pate and the ingredients for my patented Spaghetti Carbonara. Then I spot a blast from the past...

When The Goddess and I were first married, we lived in Nottingham, England. Every so often, we'd take a half day off work together and have lunch in town before heading home for some Sex Magick. (At least, that's the way I like to remember it.) The place we went for lunch had Pelforth Blonde beer from France in sprung-top liter bottles and we would have 2-3 each with lunch before heading home for the rest of the afternoon. Well, we were 23-24 at the time and you could do that kind of thing at that age. So guess what I spied at US Market?

Back to the beach, the Goddess and I pick up our things and head back to our unit (actually a Mini-Suite Deluxe, not a Studio as I mis-spoke earlier) for pâté, saucisson, Brie and Morbier and a bottle of Cahors for lunch. Life is good.
OK! So I learned two things today, so far. Since I last swam the beach at Club O, they have lost one of the floating sun platforms. That makes it a much longer swim without a rest. The other thing is that if you are going to do something as stupid, start at the south end of the beach so that you are swimming with the waves (kind of) rather than into them.

Saw the afternoon sun disappear on the beach and headed over to the Manager's Feared and Famed managers cheese and wine party, featuring some saucisson, pâté and unnamed blue cheese along with some almost drinkable wine. Dinner at Papagayo again in the company of a very nice DC couple we met. Back to our unit and time to read catch up with the adventures of our offspring before heading to oblivion before the challenges of the new day.

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