Dec 18: St. Lucia
While my luggage was still enjoying the sights and sounds of the Liat baggage storage area in Antigua, we prepared to get underway on the first day of our charter. The guests were all on island, I had met them briefly at the party last night, so we would be able to leave in the morning. Alex and Rodger, who were on last years charter had so much fun they rebooked as soon as they got home; they also convinced their friends Mike and Debby to come along. Dave, also from the UK is with us and Dan’s sister Deb is coming along as well. This should be a great time as Alex and Rodger are a lot of fun and I can tell right off Mike and Debby are cut from the same cloth. We had the safety briefing then cast off the lines for a quick downwind sail to Anse Cochone, for a lunch and snorkeling stop. This is a popular spot and many of the tour boats bring their guest here. Some sergeant Majors gathered around the boat waiting for handouts of breadcrumbs, a sure sign of regular tour visitors. The water was warm and the swimming was very nice. There are some nice corals here and a variety of fish.
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At Chateau Mygo in Marigot Bay
From there we sailed back up to our destination for the night, Marigot Bay. We were told the dock was full at Chateau Mygo, but upon arriving Dan noticed a 19’ gap between two of the boats, and since Skyelark is only 18’ in the beam he decided to give it a try. Unbelievable he was able to back the boat into the slot without as much as the rub rails touching. The bar and restaurant here are one of my favorites, we had some drinks and then showers at the Moorings base prior to dinner. I ordered a chef salad as a starter and the Garlic Peppered Calamari, served with rice, provisions, and fried okra, for my entrée. As usual the food did not disappoint. A band was playing that night so we sat around the cockpit and had some Chairmen’s Reserve rum and then off to bed.
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Look agt that parking job, and in reverse no less!

Drink all day at home, your friends worry about you; do it on vacation and they say "what a good time you're having". Save your friends needless worry, travel more!